Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Blacks Rock!

This blog is dedicated to blacks all over the world who sing and play rock'n'roll music! I'll be commenting on old rockers like Chuck Berry (the one who really invented rock as we know it today)and current ones like Seal and Lenny Kravitz. As all know rock is a musical artform created by African Americans back in the 50's and it evolved over the years from the simple chord structures of C, D, G, to the more complicated 7th's and 9ths that comprise what's called R&B. African Americans lost interest in rock long ago always preferring to stay abreast of new trends like the Motown Sound, Southern Soul, Funk, New York and Philly disco, to the electronic funk of the 80's to the rap that has stood firm for over thirty years now (yes, rap has been around that long). Inspite of it all though, there are plenty of black musicians out there who still wanna' rock and this blog is dedicated to those forlorn warriors who soldier on in the face of convention! I'm here to give them voice because like them, I still wanna' rock too! You'll be hearing my songs and seeing my videos along with others past and present and get info on where you can go see them perform too when I can get it. So those of you out there who know of any black rockers who are unknown to the rest of us send us your info and we'll put it up. Eitherway here's wishing you love, peace, and ROCK!