Saturday, June 18, 2011

American Idol; Whatever!

You know I don't share the sentiments of other critics who think that American Idol was much better this year than it's been in previous years. I mean ratings were up, and Steven Tyler is always good to see for he is KRAZEEE with a capital K and who doesn't want to see JLo's ass! But the group of singers they presented except for the lone black guy who made it to the finals, I found them all absolutely BOOOORRRRRRIIIIIINNNNNNGGGGGG! I mean nothing new nor original was brought to the table and if I hear one more damned country singer, damned! I mean ain't he on the wrong program? Doesn't CMT have their own show for aspiring country singers? Then too I'm sick of country anyway coz' they're on the Grammies, the American Music Awards, they compete in every talent show, yet they have their own talent shows and awards shows where ONLY COUNTRY ARTISTS can be nominated or compete! Country stations don't play other genres of music yet you can hear Taylor Swift at any given time on a POP station!Now tell me what's wrong with that picture? Eitherway, for another article.
But the show really needs to call it a day to me coz' there haven't been any break-out stars lately coming out of there (except maybe country stars) for even Adam Lambert is just around. I haven't seen where he's generated any hits from his past couple of CD's though if I'm wrong please make mention of it. The idea, the concept of the show has run it's course and it's time to go on to the next big thing. Maybe Simon's X-Factor will bring the noiz. I'm definitely going to check it out and see.

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