Saturday, June 11, 2011

Phil Lynott; Afro Irish rocker!

You know for years I didn't know that Thin Lizzy frontman Phil Lynott was black. Hell I didn't know they were from Ireland! I thought Thin Lizzy was an American band of Italian Americans! I also thought they were a one hit wonder and had no idea that they had such a huge catalog of hits in Europe! Whoever says there is no censorship in America is a liar, for a lot of information about what's really going on in the rest of the world is kept from Americans. It's only til the world wide web came into effect that information from the rest of the world start creeping in and we find out about the Phil Lynott's of the world.
Eitherway, I've checked out the many hits Phil Lynott charted with his band Thin Lizzy and I can say that he does deserve the title of 'Father of Irish Rock'. He was good, very good. In typical rock'n'roll fashion he died early from his abuse of drugs but he left behind quite a legacy of music. I encourage all to check out the songs of Thin Lizzy esecailly their album 'Jailbreak' which is a hardrock classic!

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