Monday, August 15, 2011

Daniel Asamota: Raw!

My music is either one way; either you love it or hate it. I hope you love it but can't help it if you don't. My musical vision is a bit different and I incorporate a lot of the influences that I've experienced into it. I'm sort of the black Tom Waits I'd say, thus my blog Blaq Rockers. But I do some R&B, Reggae too. I'm doing more and more reggae lately but music is music to me. When someone hires me for a gig they know they'll get anything. I'm going to release some dance songs one day and rap too. Music is music to me. So I hope all enjoy what I do and if you don't; oh well.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Ben Harper & Jack Johnson - Please Me Like You Want To

Ben Harper - With My Own Two Hands

Ben Harper "Burn One Down"

Laura Dern's former hubby Ben Harper; Black Rocker of the People!

Ben Harper is not a name everyone knows, but he is well-known around the L.A. area. An underground rocker he's known to be quite diverse and popular selling his CD's at his shows and very much in demand. Some may also know him as the former main squeeze of actress Laura Dern. He and her have a son together. But Ben Harper's music is a culmination of most music styles but is clearly southern california music. He kind of reminds me of a Gram Parsons with a lot more soul. A unique artist he has not compromised his musical vision to go mainstream but is content to do music his way and brave new territory in his search for a new musical expression that has captured the imagination of his fanbase. They are as dedicated as the Deadheads were to the Grateful Dead or Bruce Springsteen's fans to him. Check him out and by all means go see him for this is a black rocker for the people!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Amy Winehouse - Tears Dry On Their Own

Amy Winehouse - Take The Box

Amy Winehouse - Rehab

Tribute to Amy Winehouse

I know this is Black Rockers and Amy Winehouse was an english soul songstress, but she was such a talented artist and to be gone so soon is so tragic I felt compelled to do something on her. Her music is gorgeous, lovely, good in every way imaginable. I really wish she had have spent more time making good music than walking on the dark side of the entertainment bizness and she'd be alive today. It's a shame that drugs and music seem to go hand in hand but only the musicians and singers can change that. Evidently she had a bad break-up with a boyfriend the reason for her week-long bender which ultimately led to her death (whoever that asshole is I got dibs on kickin his ass!). Twenty-seven is to young to die especially when she had such a bright future ahead of her. Fathers pray for your daughters; and mothers for your sons before it's to late. This is all I can say. R.I.P. AMY

Tracy Chapman - For My Lover

Tracy Chapman - Give me one reason

Fast car -Tracy Chapman

Tracy Chapman: The rocker of our age!

Tracy Chapman had always been an enigma; publicity shy but creating music that was deep, meaningful and full of vibrant life for a while she was the conscious of America. Concerned about details of her private life leaking out (Alice Walker wrote about their lesbian affair)she withdrew from public view. Though she's released few CD's in recent years she tours extensively and you can catch her at almost any small venue in the northeast or the southwest. I haven't seen her back in her old stomping grounds in Cleveland Ohio but hey, eventually everyone comes home. Eitherway, here are a few of her vids to keep you company.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Practice Makes Perfect!

A lot of people want to get into the music biz because they think it's easy to make it. They have dreams of hit songs, crowds of adoring fans, and bank accounts filled with money. If I had a nickle for all the bands where that didn't happen (some even successful acts) I would be a wealthy man indeed. But if you're determined to be a rock star the first lesson you need to learn immediately is this; IT AIN'T EASY!
Notwithstanding dealing with record companies, managers, agents, road managers, tight schedules,long trips away from home, and keeping your sanity in the eye of the storm, your first order of business is to get your act together and get your band tight and that takes hours and hours of practice.
Yes all your dreams of taking it easy and making a fast buck just went out the window because before you make one dollar you need to practice daily, without pay. As often as you can you and the fellas' need to play, tighten up weak spots, put a format together, and have an extra set in case you get a call for an encore or the next band cancels out and you gotta get back out there and do it some more. Vocalists can't practice everyday though for the vocal chords need rest. Lots of rest. But they must practice as often as possible.
Practice is the first step to becoming a big star because if your act is tight, the audience will notice it and the record companies will notice too. For even though rock'n'roll preaches this jive about wild abandon and freedom, most record companies are looking for acts that are tight, cause if they know enough to practice, they also are on time for gigs, will bring a record in to them on time and under budget, and keep the money machine churning out thousand dollar bills. So the first step in becoming a major rock star is learn how to practice everyday. Think it's easy? Hahahahaha!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Kissin' And A'Huggin'

Joan Armatrading - Drop The Pilot TOTP

Joan Armatrading - Me Myself I

Joan Armatrading Still Rockin'!

Few in America know about Joan Armatrading one of the few black women rockers around though she's an international superstar everywhere else. The St. Kitts Islands native is here from the Americas (the Caribbean Islands)and has been a fixture on the rock scene since the late 70's and early 80's. My personal favorite of hers was 'the key' on her album the The Key along with 'Drop the Pilot.' She stays low-key not attracting a whole lot of publicity and keeping her private life private. It's been suspected that she's a lesbian but if she is she hasn't come out about it. Besides she still rocks and here are a few videos for you guys who are not familiar with her.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Roll Over Beethoven - Chuck Berry

Chuck Berry - Johnny B. Goode (Live 1958)

Bus Boys, American Worker

Bus Boys, Brown Sugar

The BusBoys Promo Video

The Busboys are Back in Town!

Everyone remembers the Busboys from Eddie Murphy's movie 48HRS singing their version of 'The Boys Are Back in Town.' Well they've always been one of my favorite groups and have braved on in the face of ever-changing musical tastes and trends putting out good soulful rock'n'roll for the people! They're one of the only kind of old black rock groups still around (they got their start in the 70's)and man do they rock! They've got a kind of bar band feel to them, sort of like Huey Lewis and the News but trust you me, a few minutes of listening to them and you'll be groovin' to their beat! Check out some of their stuff I've posted. Trust me, you'll dig it baby!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Chuck Berry, The King of Rock'n'roll!

You know it's a fit of irony that the man who really invented rock as we know it today is still alive and rockin' and the purported 'king' of rock'n'roll is dead and has been for a while now. Yes folks, Chuck Berry is in his 90's and still doin' the duckwalk! Elvis is long gone though you wouldn't know it seeing as how he's promoted more now than when he was alive! Don't get me wrong, I liked Elvis, well his movies. I wasn't too crazy about his music which in my opinion much of it wasn't all that good. But his movies really rocked! I watch Elvis movies to this day for there's nothing better than sitting down on a quiet weekend and watching G.I. Blues or Clambake with the kids and muchin' on some popcorn. But my problem with it is that the same sort of opportunities should have been afforded Chuck Berry, for there would be no rock today without Chuck Berry. A consumate musician who created the chord format that powers just about every rock song to this day! He and Bo Diddley along with John Lee Hooker made the guitar the principal instrument and took rocknroll from being a ten piece operation to a four piece. Yes Chuck did this and everyone copies it even to this day. He doesn't do much touring but if you happen to be in St. Louis he performs every Saturday night at an underground club giving the audience a tast of what it was like back in the day when he ruled the roost of black rockers. Go and see him before it's to late.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Bruce Springsteen - Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)

Stage Presence; Either You Got It Or You Don't!

In one of the other articles I did here I talked about a very very good singer, Dee Snider, who had no stage presence and wasn't able to take his band even further than they had already come. Now I'm not trying to bash Dee, coz' I like him. Dee Snider is a terrific vocalist! One of the best out there! A little weak in the song writing department but not too bad there either. But I can't deny that the man doesn't cut a good picture on stage. Not his looks, but no swagger. So what is stage presence?
Whether you want to call it charisma, swagger, the it factor, or charm stage presence is something you need if you want to be a successful performer. Stage presence to put it lightly is not just confidence on stage. Not just a lack of fear. It's not just an ability to perform well. It's that extra added something that you can only be born with. It's that glow that makes people wanna put down their hard earned money and see you perform. All the great rock stars have it in abundance even if they're lacking in talent. Mick Jagger has it. David Bowie has it. Cher has it. Bob Dylan has it. Sonny Bono had a little believe it or not. Steven Tyler's got plenty of it too. But the one who everyone needs to watch and see who is chock full of it well there were two; Michal Jackson but he's dead and Bruce Springsteen! Anyone who wants to be a rock star needs to study the boss! Or Mick Jagger too! Now I'm not going to go into all those who don't for I only brought up Dee Snider because he's found his niche and has admitted as much anyway. But those acts out there who've been on the road forever and haven't achieved any major success, either the band is no good, or the lead singer has no stage presence. Not to say you can't be successful still. I mean had Dee Snider paired up with a good songwriting collobarator and churned out some good songs, he probably would have been a very successful recording artist. There are ways around it but touring is often the lifeblood of a rock band so if at all possible you need to make sure your frontman is up to the job. If not, replace him quickly.

Clarence Clemons, The Big Man, Bruce Springteen's Best Bud Dead!

Well it's a sad day for music lovers all over as reports of Clarence Clemons death trickle in from every news source. He died this weekend from complications of a stroke he had earlier this week. Clarence Clemons was to Springsteen what Bernie Taupin is to Elton John, or Keith Richards to Mick Jagger. They met when Springsteen was just starting his career, hit it off and have been bandmates/buddies eversince. They had a partnership more lasting than John Lennon and Paul McCartney, and produced a body of work that made them both legends in their lifetime. Springsteen is the type of musical act you don't get much anymore, someone who didn't just wanna' be a rock star but had a cause they wanted to champion. They wanted to change the world with music and in a little way they did; they showed a black man and a white man could treat each other like brothers and create something wonderful in this world called the E Street Band. The millions of records sold worldwide and sold-out arena tours are proof of the power and efficacy of this partnership/friendship as they inspired many rock'n'rolla out there that music could do more than just entertain party-goers. It could have a purpose and that's the cornerstone of my musical vision personally too. Oh there are plenty of R&B singers, rappers, etc. out there with relevant messages in their music. But my inspiration came from Born in the USA and that record along with John Mellancamp's 'Pink Houses' inspired me to become a rock'n'roller. They also inspired others too (the Dave Matthews Band, John Cafferty & the Beaver Brown Band, John Mellancamp)and though the Big Man is gone, his body of work with the Boss will live on in perpetuity. RIP Big Man.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

American Idol; Whatever!

You know I don't share the sentiments of other critics who think that American Idol was much better this year than it's been in previous years. I mean ratings were up, and Steven Tyler is always good to see for he is KRAZEEE with a capital K and who doesn't want to see JLo's ass! But the group of singers they presented except for the lone black guy who made it to the finals, I found them all absolutely BOOOORRRRRRIIIIIINNNNNNGGGGGG! I mean nothing new nor original was brought to the table and if I hear one more damned country singer, damned! I mean ain't he on the wrong program? Doesn't CMT have their own show for aspiring country singers? Then too I'm sick of country anyway coz' they're on the Grammies, the American Music Awards, they compete in every talent show, yet they have their own talent shows and awards shows where ONLY COUNTRY ARTISTS can be nominated or compete! Country stations don't play other genres of music yet you can hear Taylor Swift at any given time on a POP station!Now tell me what's wrong with that picture? Eitherway, for another article.
But the show really needs to call it a day to me coz' there haven't been any break-out stars lately coming out of there (except maybe country stars) for even Adam Lambert is just around. I haven't seen where he's generated any hits from his past couple of CD's though if I'm wrong please make mention of it. The idea, the concept of the show has run it's course and it's time to go on to the next big thing. Maybe Simon's X-Factor will bring the noiz. I'm definitely going to check it out and see.

Jesse Johnson; The Guitar Wielding MinneapolisRocker!

Jesse Johnson, the guitar force behind Morris Day's band The Time is a rock'n'rolla in his own right. His freshman solo EP went platinum and between twin duties with the time and his solo efforts has proven he's every bit Prince's equal when it comes to strumming a lute. It's no wonder Morris picked him and he had the honor of playing with the world's greatest rock star Mr. Day himself.(yay!)But I've posted some of his videos of some of his finest work like the song he did with Sly of Sly and the Family Stone fame who many don't seem to remember these days (what a world!). But Jesse was part of the Minneapolis sound and the scene created by pop mastermind Prince and has gone on to do his own thing making good quality music and rockin' on into the year 2000. Check out vids I've posted and download his music for if you haven't heard him already, you don't know what you're missing.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Twisted Sister; A Good Band Underappreciated!

You know I was often fascinated by why some rock bands make it to the big time and others seem to flounder and eventually fade away. And one of the best examples I can think of is 80's hard rock outfit Twisted Sister. They were a KISS copycat band with the make-up and all and they toiled some ten hard years before they got a major record deal and had a platinum hit album 'Stay Hungry'. They're first attempt was lackluster but generated a minor hit in the U.K. 'You Can't Stop Rock'n'Roll. Their third album was a considerable flop and the band imploded from there. So after having such a successful sophomore album what happened.
Well one of the things that I noticed was the make-up thing had already been done by KISS successfully so they were playing with a losing formula there. They should have came up with another gimmick coz' that one wasn't working for them. Another thing is that they didn't have strong songs. Yeah that 'We're Not Gonna Take It' was a big hit, but that song was waiting to be wrote! They stumbled upon it and got the hit but it was actually dumb luck. Lastly what I saw was that they needed a more charismatic front-man. Dee Snider is one of the best rock vocalists in music, I mean the man can sing. But he has little to no stage presence! I saw him in one performance where he couldn't get the crowd going and he was practically begging the audience to enjoy the show! See if Mick Jagger does that! Or Jim Morrison! Or Bob Dylan! That's the main reason though they didn't achieve ultimate success, because Dee just didn't have that IT factor that separates the superstars from the one-hit wonders. You can have all the talent in the world but it's not enough if you don't OWN that stage when you step on it! I think he realized that and dropped out and started doing what he's really good at; writing and producing. He's more a rock'n'roll BRAIN than a front-man anyway and has had more success in his current incarnation than trying to achieve stardom for himself.
It's kind of a shame because the band is a really good band of musicians and Dee Snider is not a bad singer! In fact, he's one of the best vocalists out there! But if being a good singer was all it took, then Bob Dylan, David Bowie, Mick Jagger, and Eric Burden wouldn't have achieved the superstardom they did. It's a shame to say, but all that band needed was a lead singer with badass swagger (along with a really good songwriter)and they would be numbered amongst the few really great rock bands in America.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Jesse Johnson-Love Struck

Jesse Johnson - Crazay (featuring Sly Stone)

Morris Day - Fishnet

The Time - Jerk Out [Altered]

time live

Greatest Rock Star Ever; Morris Day!

I know a few of you out there may disagree but the overwhelming popular thought out there is that Morris Day is the greatest rock star alive today. Morris and his band The Time stand head and shoulders above all the other great rockers out there from Living Colour to Bon Jovi and even his mentor Prince! Morris invented swag before people knew about it and he was the epitome of koool. What's so good about Morris is even when he's tooting his own horn it's in a sort of self-deprecating way that lets you know he's not taking it TOOO seriously. He's so down to earth he even has fun with it though we know he's the koolest kat to ever step on the stage and rock the mic. Handsome, suave, sophisticated, but definitely full of swagg the only other rock star to come close to rating as high as he does was Mick Jagger. Were not Jagger so old he might have given Morris a run for his money, but right now at this time and this date the greatest rock star alive now is none other than the king of Kool, Morris Day.

Thin Lizzy Cowboy Song The Boys Are Back Live 78 w. Moore


Phil Lynott; Afro Irish rocker!

You know for years I didn't know that Thin Lizzy frontman Phil Lynott was black. Hell I didn't know they were from Ireland! I thought Thin Lizzy was an American band of Italian Americans! I also thought they were a one hit wonder and had no idea that they had such a huge catalog of hits in Europe! Whoever says there is no censorship in America is a liar, for a lot of information about what's really going on in the rest of the world is kept from Americans. It's only til the world wide web came into effect that information from the rest of the world start creeping in and we find out about the Phil Lynott's of the world.
Eitherway, I've checked out the many hits Phil Lynott charted with his band Thin Lizzy and I can say that he does deserve the title of 'Father of Irish Rock'. He was good, very good. In typical rock'n'roll fashion he died early from his abuse of drugs but he left behind quite a legacy of music. I encourage all to check out the songs of Thin Lizzy esecailly their album 'Jailbreak' which is a hardrock classic!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Ike Turner, the first rocker!

You know Ike Turner was a distant cousin of mine. No, he never showed up at the family reunions (we're all originally from Mississippi)and no we never had any in depth conversations or the like. We have an interesting family and so Ike Turner was a complex genius who was the first to record a rocknroll song at that bonehead Sam Phillips Sun studios. It was ironic that Sam Phillips helped to discover so many great artists even though he truly was an ignorant and stupid man in many regards. But without this bonehead we wouldn't have Ike and Tina Turner, BB King, Otis Blackwell, as well as elvis presely, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins and the like. Aside from making his living early on recording many of the blues acts that would come to Memphis to get there start, he has the honor of being the first to put out Ike Turner and his Kings of Rhythm the very first rocknroll song ever, Rocket 88. Check it out on YouTube.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Blacks Rock!

This blog is dedicated to blacks all over the world who sing and play rock'n'roll music! I'll be commenting on old rockers like Chuck Berry (the one who really invented rock as we know it today)and current ones like Seal and Lenny Kravitz. As all know rock is a musical artform created by African Americans back in the 50's and it evolved over the years from the simple chord structures of C, D, G, to the more complicated 7th's and 9ths that comprise what's called R&B. African Americans lost interest in rock long ago always preferring to stay abreast of new trends like the Motown Sound, Southern Soul, Funk, New York and Philly disco, to the electronic funk of the 80's to the rap that has stood firm for over thirty years now (yes, rap has been around that long). Inspite of it all though, there are plenty of black musicians out there who still wanna' rock and this blog is dedicated to those forlorn warriors who soldier on in the face of convention! I'm here to give them voice because like them, I still wanna' rock too! You'll be hearing my songs and seeing my videos along with others past and present and get info on where you can go see them perform too when I can get it. So those of you out there who know of any black rockers who are unknown to the rest of us send us your info and we'll put it up. Eitherway here's wishing you love, peace, and ROCK!